Everything music & ear training related


Kyle Opie
Jul 26, 2021
Is it possible to stop a particular game from being included in your personal daily workout?
I can't play interval barks because I use tonegym on my home PC, there is no microphone to pick up the sound of my voice. It has been included in my last few audio workouts and it's frustrating that I just have to let it play through without a result...
yooval mann
Jul 26, 2021
Good point I play this game through my phone because of that issue, it's the first game which requires 'extra' peripherals to a PC with keyboard and screen.

If you don't want to buy a microphone or play it through your phone you can remove this game from your workout here: https://www.tonegym.co/account/settings

under "Training Preferences"
yooval mann
Jul 27, 2021
@Kyle Opie there's another thing worth trying, using a pair of headphones as a microphone :

Kyle Opie
Jul 27, 2021
Thanks so much @yooval mann !
yooval mann
Jul 27, 2021
you're welcome and good luck!