Everything music & ear training related


Ralf Junker
Sep 21, 2023
Interval Barks
Hi everybody!
Interval Barks (singing intervals) won´t work. I havent´t changed my setup. Intervals and Rhythmania worked perfectly fine. But I didn´t hear anything in Interval Barks. I also couldn´t record. The microphone setting on the website is set to allowed. Did anyone encounter the same problem? Any suggestions?
Esmee Gloria
Sep 21, 2023
Hey Ralf, I had the same thing happen... it totally messed with my stats haha. Once I switched my browser to google chrome it was solved.
Ralf Junker
Sep 22, 2023
Thank you. I´ĺl try that. I had run Chrome in Linux before and deleted it because it was audacious. I had set Firefox as my default browser and when I clicked on a link, Chrome popped up even when Firefox was already open. If it solves this problem I´ll just learn to live with it.
Scott Slotnick
Sep 22, 2023
Sometimes this happens, and I just turn my mic off and then on again, and it works.
Ralf Junker
Sep 24, 2023
Thank you. It works on my old MacBookAir. So I seems to be related to the Linux OS on my other laptop.