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Nathan Dilgard
Sep 12, 2022
I can't tell the difference between an augmented chord and diminished chord. They sound the same to me.
Sep 13, 2022
Those are probably the most difficult.
Al Barnard
Sep 13, 2022
If you have an instrument handy, try playing a diminished chord. What does it feel like to you? Do certain images or words come to mind? Do the same with an augmented chord and contrast the two.

To me, a diminished chord feels reaching, miserable, and dark. An augmented chord feels unresolved, demented, and nebulous.
Cuantas Vacas
Sep 13, 2022
I love 'Miserable' and 'Demented', @Al Barnard . Chord description at its finest!
Erik Stam
Sep 13, 2022
yo man
Neil Gilmartin
Sep 13, 2022
They have different intervallic structures.

A diminished triad is a minor-third interval - or 3 semi-tones - twice; so, the root to the minor third is 3 semi-tones, and then the minor third to the diminished fifth is also 3 semi-tones.

An augmented triad, on the other hand, is a major-third interval - or 4 semi-tones - twice; so, the root to the major third is 4 semi-tones, and the major third to the sharp five is also 4 semi-tones.

Probably your ears are being tricked by the fact both triads have that same symmetry: 3-3 in the case of the diminished triad and 4-4 in the case of the augmented triad. It definitely takes time to hear the difference between the two.

I'd say that the diminished triad sounds a bit more evil! The augmented triad sounds a bit more suspenseful. These adjectives are only so helpful, though. Ultimately, comparing and contrasting them together is probably the best way to gradually hear the difference.
Victor Wilburn
Sep 13, 2022
I have trouble telling the difference immediately as well. The character of the dissonance sounds similar to me. See if you can hear the root and then the 5th from there. Do you hear a note just above that fifth (augmented) or just below (diminished)?
Al Barnard
Sep 14, 2022
Much appreciated, @Cuantas Vacas!
Jack Crook
Sep 15, 2022
Augmented always sounds real spy and james bond to me haha
Xixi Liu
Sep 15, 2022
Been there my friend, takes practice, one day you suddenly click :) Hang in there!
Seighart Bui
Sep 16, 2022
diminished chords are 2 minor thirds stacked while augmented chords are 2 major thirds stacked on each other. singing the notes out helps a lot
Gabriel S
Sep 16, 2022
I really struggle with this too, but I keep trying. With intervals, I'm like lvl 100 I don't know, but still lvl 8 with the dimish and augmented, major and minor.
Joe Brewer
Sep 16, 2022
The augmented chord reminds me of the tune Flowers on the Batman soundtrack by Danny Elfman
Anthony Jones
Sep 18, 2022
Whatever best works for you to determine the difference between augmented and diminished is exactly what you should do.
For me, I focus on the interval between two close notes and identify either a major or minor third .... but you should hear the diminished chord as closed in tightly, and the augmented as more open ... bigger intervals.
Neil Gilmartin
Sep 18, 2022
One more trick that might help you distinguish diminished and augmented triads is the following: the final note of an augmented triad, if you just sing it down a semitone, is a normal major triad. So when you're struggling, try singing that third note down a semi-tone and does it now sound like a major triad? If yes, it's an augmented triad.

Equally, if you think what you're hearing might be a diminished triad but you're not sure, try singing the final note up a semi-tone and then you should have the sound of a normal minor triad. (Note that this only works for diminished triads when they are in root position).
Ariana Padilla
Sep 24, 2022
This happens to me too. I find helpful singing the tritone in the diminished chords. If it doesn´t fit is an augmented chord. Also, you could try to sing a major third from the root note of the chord, if it fits is augmented, if it doesnt then is diminished.
Francisco Albisua
Sep 27, 2022
I always go with my gut or intuition when identifying chords. Diminished sounds like pure sadness to me while augmented sounds like craziness (or demented, as Al put it). For me the trickier distinctions are b5, 7(b5) and Aug7. Those three sound somewhat similar. So what I do is I go to the Chord listening test under exercises (right side section of the gym) and I click on personalize (top right corner) and choose only those three chords and play the chord listening test over and over until I can identify a sonic flavor for each of them. but it's tough!
Seighart Bui
Oct 17, 2022
Another way I use to differentiate Aug and Dim chords is to associate them with the whole tone scale and 1.5 tone scale. It has a very unique sound and if you play it regularly you'll get used to it.
Aug chords = whole tone scale. You can play ascending & descending Aug chords by moving it 1 step up and down. For Example Caug - Daug - Eaug - F#aug - G#aug- A#aug back to Caug.
Dim chords = 1.5 tone scale. You can play it ascending ^ descending by moving it 1.5 steps up and down. For example Bdim - Ddim - Fdim - G#dim back to Bdim.
:) Try it out!
Cuantas Vacas
Oct 17, 2022
That's a good one, @Seighart Bui ! Thank you!
Jack Crook
Oct 18, 2022
Augmented sounds more spy
mati fly
Oct 18, 2022
Yes. Aug is spy/mystery. Dim is more Terror/Reveal.
Also, what @Seighart Bui said. Play the scale.
Onice Matos
Oct 18, 2022
I like to associate songs with each one. for example, a diminished chord can fit in my future by Billie Eilish, but augmented chords simply sound chaotic in my ears.
Heather Elswick
Oct 18, 2022
Augmented chords always sounded like a train somehow. (???)
Cristian Becerra Vera
Oct 19, 2022
Augmented chords sound as if something felt and is breaking, and the shattered pieces are on the floor. The diminished chords are like twisting something while pulling it apart. ☺ Hope it helps