Everything music & ear training related


Dima G
Jun 01, 2023
Is there a way to make Interval Banks only play piano sounds instead of screeching ”Eeeeh”? I wasn’t able to figure out a pattern of when it uses piano samples versus human voice imitation.
Aislinn Adams
Jun 02, 2023
You should be able to select an instrument before entering the game. Try scrolling down if you are unable to see the selection buttons on your screen. If you do not select an option manually, ToneGym will select one for you based on one of two randomization options in your account settings.
Dima G
Jun 02, 2023
perfect, thank you. i wasn't sure why it was picking the instrument at random
Victor Wilburn
Jun 02, 2023
Not only can you select the instrument before each game, in your account settings you can make it so that it always does the same instrument by default.