Everything music & ear training related


Sean Davies
Nov 15, 2021
First time ever ear training. I didn't realise it was a thing. I am so impressed by what people with perfect pitch can do. Incredible
yooval mann
Nov 15, 2021
Can you give an example please?
Sean Davies
Nov 15, 2021
Of people who are able to hear something and produce it back pretty well.

Like classically trained musicians. I went down this big rabbit hole about it and just had to find more about how I can doo this.
yooval mann
Nov 15, 2021
good stuff
Anita Cairns
Nov 15, 2021
Perfect pitch is being able to recognise notes without context, Yooval. As in being able to sing or name a note that is played. It's not particular to classical musicians; It is genetic, but the catch is that it deteriorates with age. All musicians learn relative pitch - which is what we're working on here - whether they're born with perfect pitch or not.
Perfect pitch can't be learned, although they have tried their best with young kids in China! it hasn't worked.
Sean Davies
Nov 15, 2021
Wow this community has a lot of information. I don't think I've seen so many music related comments before.

I think I'm gonna like this