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Cuantas Vacas
Apr 21, 2022
Hey everybody! Now that Intervalis has added another octave to its range, one question comes to mind. Does anyone know why the interval between P18 and P19 is named "augmented 18", while one octave lower the one between P11 and P12 is considered a "diminished 12"?

I know both represent the same distance -plus an octave in A18 case- but I can't find the reason for such apparently arbitrary nomenclature...
Al Barnard
Apr 21, 2022
Seconded. Unless this is a deliberate choice to exercise our ability to recognize an augmented 4th to be the same as a diminished 5th, I don't see any reason for the lack of consistency.
XIN ToneGym
Apr 27, 2022
In the high levels, the game should also include diminished 19th intervals.

As you mentioned and already know, these are two different names for the same interval. We believe it's best to be familiar with both names.
Cuantas Vacas
Apr 27, 2022
I thought I already was playing high levels...😢 LOL

So @Al Barnard was right! Thanks, @XIN ToneGym for the info.
Riv Kah
Apr 27, 2022
Okay, I need to ask... what's a "high level"? 500?
Cause when someone wrote some days ago "I am stuck in level 130 something" I almost spill my drink, like "I am stuck at being great and I don't know why I am not even better" hahaha
Riv Kah
Apr 27, 2022
Is there even a limit, or do levels get indefinitely harder?
Matthias CJB
Apr 27, 2022
The only thing I can say is, that you get a red star at level 121 (or somewhere close to that level) and it says that it won‘t get any harder. At Intervalis I‘m at 146 and it‘s still within 2 octaves. Tritons have consistently been called d5 (or d12) for now.
At inversionist everything above level
3 is considered a high level 😅😉
Riv Kah
Apr 27, 2022
Yeah... in departurer I got a 112, and in inversionist under 10 and I am super proud hahaha Now I feel like having a little departurer marathon to see that red star =DD
Cuantas Vacas
Apr 28, 2022
Fly, people, fly away and grab that red star...and you'll still be considered low-medium level player!!

PS. I've been told that when you reach level 55 on inversionist you get a golden star which gives you some advantages, like VIP treatment on a wide range of Clubs around the world or the ability to destroy universes.