Everything music & ear training related


Erik BjΓΆrn
Nov 05, 2021
Anyone else finding it frustrating when Chordelius ends with a dissonance? πŸ˜…
yooval mann
Nov 06, 2021
Erik Pors
Nov 06, 2021
There is one solution to this problem namely: play the resolving consonance yourself! No more sleepless nights and frustration.
Matthias CJB
Nov 06, 2021
@ Erik & Erik: why do I get the feeling that this is some kind of deep talk and somehow a metaphor πŸ˜…
Cuantas Vacas
Nov 06, 2021
Yes, @Erik Pors : no one can go to bed leaving that unresolved thing hanging out there...
Skye Auer
Nov 06, 2021
So the solution to a harmonious marriage is marry a musician and keep a keyboard next to the bed. That way you can always reach accord before falling asleep?
Cuantas Vacas
Nov 07, 2021
'harmonious marriage' πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Erik Pors
Nov 07, 2021
Anyways, nowadays it is more common to leave dissonances unresolved, it might not be the recipe for a healthy marriage but it sure results in some interesting sounds!
Cuantas Vacas
Nov 07, 2021
In the end, the question is not whether you resolve dissonances or not, but which ones need resolution and what others don't, in order to keep some peace of mind (as a husband/wife and also as a musician).πŸ˜