Everything music & ear training related


Hello, I've been dealing with music for 6-7 months, and I've just started these types of exercises with my ear. Although I can understand and do some things, I can't master the skill of singing alone. Your advice is very important to me, thank you.
Terri Winters
Apr 28
Can you say more about what the issues are that you're having. Not sure if this is the issue, but you can to to your profile on the top right in Tonegym, choose account setting, then choose training preferences. On the bottom of that screen choose pitch adjustment. This enables you to do some calibrating for your voice. Good luck -- keep at it!
There is no technical problem, I can't find the right sound and ı cant' understand
Thomas Farias
Apr 30
If you want to learn to sing well, find a voice teacher in your area. If you just want to sing for the sake of these exercises, maybe watch a few videos online about breath support while singing and focus on matching pitch.