Everything music & ear training related


Colin Aiken
May 20
First workout in over 3 weeks! Still hurts like crazy. Missed you guys.
igor dinotte
May 20
That is an important milestone! It is good to know that you are recovering towards you best conditions, @Colin Aiken ! I hope to see you here more often very soon! Keep walking and stay strong!
Cuantas Vacas
May 20
We've been wandering around the corners of this gray, dull, somehow cat-less and definitively Colin-less site while you've been away...😬

I'm so happy to have you back.
Benjamin Jack
May 20
Thrilled to have you back!
Terri Winters
May 20
Hang in there @Colin Aiken. I had a torn Achilles tendon. It took forever to heal. PT multiple times per week, etc. BUT - the body is amazing and you are determined. Stay with it & it's great to have you back!!