Everything music & ear training related


Adam Deering
Apr 28
Melody Hunter
Hi everyone. If you enter a note incorrectly in the Melody Hunter game, is there any way to correct it?
Terri Winters
Apr 28
I haven't figured out how to do that, but it would be awesome!
I don't believe there is. I really wish you could use the lifesavers after entering the first note and reset the stage.
Adam Deering
May 01
Thank you both for your replies. Quite often I click a wrong note unintentionally. Before I know it, my finger had pressed the mouse, even though my brain is thinking of a different note. My coordination isn't what it used to be, so I would love the chance to correct it.
Andrew Fenlon
May 03
melody hunter is broken at level 106
Adam Deering
May 06
@Andrew Fenlon have you reported it to to TG support?