Everything music & ear training related


Elioth Arias
May 12, 2022
I just joined and I have some knowledge I got from Youtube, any advice for a person that it's just starting on this? pls
Rem W
May 12, 2022
My biggest realization is that there is no such thing as “cheating”. What I mean is that it is totally a good idea to use any and all resources available to you in completing the games. For example, I use my digital piano to help me construct the potential sounds found in the Inversionist game. Without that I was pretty much just guessing and getting nowhere. Now I can easily distinguish the inversions for most simple chords. Hope that helps!
DanielS _
May 12, 2022
check this material, it may helps You, good luck.
Joseph Crawley
May 12, 2022
this ^ was extremely helpful, thanks for sharing
Victor Wilburn
May 12, 2022
Agree with Rem. Do what you need to do to make progress. Blind guessing isn't going the best route to learning. Use crutches like matching with keyboard, then over time, see if you can rely on them less and less as you start to hear stuff better. On the inversions game, for instance, start by listening for the lowest note and finding it on your keyboard, then see where that is in the chord to figure out the inversion. Meanwhile, other games will slowly teach you to hear intervals when notes are played together, so you can start listening for intervals between low and high note instead and rely on keyboard matching less. For instance, now I try to take a guess based on hearing that low-to-high interval, and then check it on the keyboard. Hopefully, over time I will hear that interval more confidently without having to double-check on a keyboard.