Everything music & ear training related


Hugo Paris
Jul 16, 2022
I am looking for books that offer theory puzzles / exercises (think sudoku book for musicians). Any recommendations?
Cuantas Vacas
Jul 17, 2022
I don't know whether such thing exists or not, but it would be great!!
Jul 17, 2022
You have Clés pour l'harmonie of Jo Anger-Weller if you looking for exercices about theory and much more.
Tom Belknap
Jul 17, 2022
That sounds like an interesting project! There are lots of musical/rhythmic games available online including Just Shapes and Beats or others. But they're not at all theoretical or based on ear training. I'd be really interested if you found some. I'd be really interested if ToneGym wanted to make some, too!
Hugo Paris
Jul 18, 2022
Hugo Paris
Jul 18, 2022
@Tom Belknap @Cuantas Vacas @Ethan DUCROCQ the closest I've got is this title:


Its pocket format is very nice for the use. It goes from basic intervals / rhythm all the way harmonic analysis, transposition and modulation. The exercise are the right length (a basic Tonegym workout) but I finished it already and I would love to find more to keep drilling / learning.
Josh Keisler
Jul 19, 2022
If you're interested in theory in popular music, I thought the two Hooktheory Interactive books were really well done. They have exercises and playback examples which are great. And you definitely don't need the 'Hookpad' thing they try and get you to buy with them.

The first was pretty quick going since I already had a pretty solid grounding in the basics but it was still useful and I consolidated a lot. The second was even better and I learned a lot, for example about how borrowed chords and modal mixture works in popular music. One thing that was a little weird was how late they introduced minor tonality. They do a lot from a major perspective but the minor key section was very good once you get there.

For me they were really worth the £15 (I guess $20) each but I guess it depends on what music you're interested in and where your gaps in knowledge are.

Here are the links:


Hugo Paris
Jul 20, 2022
Thank you @Josh Keisler . These look great!!

Do you know if there is a paper version or mostly digital?
Josh Keisler
Jul 20, 2022
No problem! They're all digital - I like a good physical book too but the digital format allows them to have the interactive examples which are one of the best parts about them.
Hugo Paris
Jul 20, 2022
@Josh Keisler I went back to their website and noticed that. That's a great plus for sure. Thank you again for the tip!
Cuantas Vacas
Jul 21, 2022
@Josh Keisler , @Hugo Paris : do you know how can I buy Hooktheory II from Spain? Goodreads allows me to get into Amazon.es and another spanish bookstore and both of them seem to be unaware of the existence of such digital book...
Hugo Paris
Jul 21, 2022
@Cuantas Vacas I am trying to figure it out from the U.S.. It looks like it can be baught straight from their website. Does that work from Spain?

Josh Keisler
Jul 22, 2022
@Cuantas Vacas What @Hugo Paris said - that link should take you to where you can get the interactive books from anywhere.
Josh Keisler
Jul 22, 2022
..still haven’t worked out the tagging thing
Hugo Paris
Jul 22, 2022
Thanks @Josh Keisler

re tag: I found it tricky at first. Do you get a list of suggestion after you type the @ and the first few letters? I have to select from that list for it to work on my end.
Cuantas Vacas
Jul 22, 2022
Thanks a lot, @Hugo Paris & @Josh Keisler ! It is definitely possible to get the books from their own website 😬😅... Sometimes I can be as flexible as a brick.

I wrote a post about tagging not long ago, you can search for it if you know how to do that (I honestly don't), but here's a summary: you only have to type @ and the first letter or two from the name you wish to tag, without any blank space between '@' and the letter(s). Then wait for a names list to unfold right below your cursor and choose the one you want. '@name' will appear in the text with a blank space after it that you should never erase in order to keep the tag's functionality. '@name' will be displayed in black until you effectively finish and post your entry. If everything's allright it will appear in red in your published post. Good luck!
Josh Keisler
Jul 23, 2022
Thanks @Hugo Paris and @Cuantas Vacas it's working now.
Hugo Paris
Jul 23, 2022
awesome, tag away @Josh Keisler :)
Cuantas Vacas
Jul 24, 2022