Everything music & ear training related


Ben Kelly
Sep 17, 2023
Is there a way to change your timezone?

I was traveling recently and I could swear I changed it to match my location, but I can't find the setting again to change it back. Did I just hallucinate changing my timezone thanks to jet lag or can someone point me to this setting?

I've been through all the account settings on both mobile and desktop, but I can't seem to find it.

Any help appreciated. Thanks.
Lisa Welmarz
Sep 18, 2023
Hey! I believe the time one from TG is the same as registered on your device. I’ve been traveling and didn’t get an issue with that on my end.
Itai Ortal
Sep 18, 2023
You can always go to Account Settings and change your time zone
Ben Kelly
Sep 18, 2023
Sorry, what section of the settings?
Cuantas Vacas
Sep 18, 2023
Profile (your avatar, upper right corner) and then, Account Settings. The last line at settings is Timezone. And if it's not, you might be at the wrong gym. 😛
Ben Kelly
Sep 18, 2023
Thank you. It only appears to show in the desktop browser, but not when opened on my mobile device. I thought I checked on desktop, but I guess not. Anyway, problem solved. Thank you again.
Ben Kelly
Sep 18, 2023
Oh weird. I just went to check it again and the setting is missing now. I wonder if you are only allowed to change it once a week or something to avoid gaming workouts and they did this by hiding the setting after you change it.
Cuantas Vacas
Sep 19, 2023
I think that's the case. Measures were implemented after some sinful time-warps were detected not long ago.