Everything music & ear training related


Filipe Costa
Mar 28
Should I learn something else before trying the gym workout ? I feel like most of the games are incredible hard for me, and I'm level 1 or 2 in most of them.
Ed Di
Mar 28
Do you play an instrument?
If so, play around with the notes and be aware what notes you are playing. See if you can get a feeling for intervals or chords.
Other than that it's mostly regular training with the games, even if they are hard. It is hard, but don't get discouraged, you will get better over time. It just takes a lot of time. It certainly did for me, and I still have a long way ahead of me.
Ken Wilkens
Mar 28
Well, you *will* learn something by playing the games. As you progress at the games, it will increase your aural skills.

I highly suggest the Basic Music Theory course and there are many learning options (and training) in the Gym section.

I think the more you explore and play, the better your ear will become. If you find that there are specific areas you need help with, ask questions on here…. Good luck!
Filipe Costa
Mar 28
Thanks guys for the answers, I'll give myself some more time. A week or two to make sure I'm progressing and not just guessing the answers.
Joe Maissel
Mar 28
Hi Filipe. I find the Exercises section that you see on the right side of your page, very useful for practicing a particular skill or game that I'm stuck on.
Terri Winters
Mar 28
Yes - do keep at it. I was really horrible when I started. I'm still pretty awful at Inversionist and Route VI...
Juan Sicardo
Apr 02
When I started it was very difficult for me to keep everything in my head all at once, so I tried to focus on a few games, for example departurer, landers and rythmania (which where the games I felt most confortable in).

As I started gaining a little bit more confidence I added more games to my daily practice.

Some games also help you with others, for example, once I had some confidence in departurer and lander it was easier to get into Intervalis, and once I gained some confidence with intervalis it was easier to jump Chordelius.