Benjamin Jack
May 01, 21:50 in ToneGym Olympics
Does anyone else just get a good run and can hear all the subtle changes in the inversion then the next time you play struggle to get anything?
Petr Hartmann
May 01, 21:53
I do. I either get flawless run or end in first few rounds.
Cuantas Vacas
May 02, 10:40
All the time!
Mark Alley
May 02, 12:20
Hey all!

Just wanted to post and say how much I'm really enjoying the ToneGym platform.

So much so that I started making videos recording my progress in the game (wins, losses, successes and failures). I've been posting snippets of them on my Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube. One of the videos went viral and got 1M views!

This made me realize A LOT of people will have been waiting for a platform like this to exist, kinda like all of us here have wanted for a while. I've gotten a ton of comments and DMs asking what this platform is and how they can play.

I am thinking of expanding to live sessions of my daily workouts and taking some more time to explain the games and how I've grown through each game. (Would this be of any interest to anyone?)

But also: what other ideas do you all have? Whether you are new to the gym or a seasoned vet (I'm no Diamond Ears, but I'm listening, ha) I'm interested in knowing what you guys think I should show people that are just discovering the platform, or even you all reading this. What are somethings that you wanna know or see in long-form ear training videos??

I'll be posting the same thing in the Sound Gym community as the same thing applies, feel free to hit me up on either one! 😁

Happy training, everyone!

P.S. It would mean a lot if you all were to check out my IG page. This is the channel that's seen the most growth. I've also got a YouTube accnt where I'm planning the live sessions, and Tik Tok accnt but really those are more low key ha. (
Benjamin Jack
May 01, 16:54
Welcome to the community! @Sylvia Cabak
Nicolae Orengo
May 01, 17:50
Got a follow from me!
Jadon Powell
May 01, 22:36
Awesome! I'd suggest making some videos catering to people who don't make music but enjoy listening to it. This site has so many resources between the games and the videos in Learn that you can put on in the background as you do homework or something offer such an intuitive and streamlined way of learning about music.

I think this site can enrich people's listening experience to the maximum! That would be my recommendation. Show people that training their ears can make listening to music so much more fun, music is an interactive artform, after all.

Keep up the content grind!
Melody Hunter
Hi everyone. If you enter a note incorrectly in the Melody Hunter game, is there any way to correct it?
Terri Winters
Apr 28
I haven't figured out how to do that, but it would be awesome!
I don't believe there is. I really wish you could use the lifesavers after entering the first note and reset the stage.
Adam Deering
May 01
Thank you both for your replies. Quite often I click a wrong note unintentionally. Before I know it, my finger had pressed the mouse, even though my brain is thinking of a different note. My coordination isn't what it used to be, so I would love the chance to correct it.
Congrats @Fernando Arriaga for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Terri Winters
May 01
Great achievement -- keep going on to Golden!
Congrats @Gilles Bélanger for completing the 'Complete Music' program!
Good for you!
Hello, I've been dealing with music for 6-7 months, and I've just started these types of exercises with my ear. Although I can understand and do some things, I can't master the skill of singing alone. Your advice is very important to me, thank you.
Terri Winters
Apr 28
Can you say more about what the issues are that you're having. Not sure if this is the issue, but you can to to your profile on the top right in Tonegym, choose account setting, then choose training preferences. On the bottom of that screen choose pitch adjustment. This enables you to do some calibrating for your voice. Good luck -- keep at it!
There is no technical problem, I can't find the right sound and ı cant' understand
Thomas Farias
Apr 30
If you want to learn to sing well, find a voice teacher in your area. If you just want to sing for the sake of these exercises, maybe watch a few videos online about breath support while singing and focus on matching pitch.
Congrats @Lavelle Romain for winning the Diamond Ears Award!
Ken Wilkens
Apr 28
That’s huge - congratulations!
Benjamin Jack
Apr 30
Huge Congrats!!!
Nice one!