Melody Hunter
Hi everyone. If you enter a note incorrectly in the Melody Hunter game, is there any way to correct it?
Adam Deering
May 01
Thank you both for your replies. Quite often I click a wrong note unintentionally. Before I know it, my finger had pressed the mouse, even though my brain is thinking of a different note. My coordination isn't what it used to be, so I would love the chance to correct it.
Andrew Fenlon
May 03
melody hunter is broken at level 106
Adam Deering
May 06, 10:24
@Andrew Fenlon have you reported it to to TG support?
Does anyone else just get a good run and can hear all the subtle changes in the inversion then the next time you play struggle to get anything?
Benjamin Jack
May 05
That is interesting I am level 150 in route vi and only 40 in both chordelius and departure being stuck in sus 2 and 4 (basically inversions). These are the three free games. I am mostly here for the community and contests, I rarely play the games.
That is interesting, route. IV is my hardest game. Inversions aren’t that hard I can just hum out the chord intervals. I just haven’t played many games in inversions, I know I can get up to 80 at least if I sit and focus. The departure games I’m lvl 170. I can max those games out if I wanted too also.
Dima G
May 06, 01:19
@Lavelle Romain that's the main gripe i have with inversionalist and the way its structure makes you approach this exercise. route IV in my opinion is super tightly coupled with hearing inversions and identifying root notes for those inversions. so if inversions were taught to be heard in the right way, route IV would have been a piece of cake.
Hey! :)

Do you have any tips for Inversionist? I find it extremely difficult and can barely get through level 1.
Andrew Shewaga
May 05, 20:43
you should learn at least a little functional harmonic theory before working on most of these games. if you don't understand things like what a V-I is, a lot of the meaning behind the training will be lost

there are a lot of free resources and videos on this topic
Thomas Farias
May 06, 00:44
I agree with what others said about studying theory.

For me, Inversionist was a struggle for a long time (level 2 for a couple of months), but now I'm at level 14. Slowly it began to click and I could begin identify what each inversion sounds like rather than feeling like I'm just guessing. To me, first position chords started to sound heavy and second position chords started to sound weak.

I'm by no means perfect at it but I am seeing progress with consistent effort. The life rings help to tune your ears to the intervals within each chord inversion.

If it's really frustrating you, I wouldn't worry too much about Inversionist, it's hardly the most important game on here, but if you are persistent you will see progress.
Dima G
May 06, 01:12
it's one of the more useless games in here imo. figuring out inversions should be based on the tonic of the tune, for example the V chord (sol-ti-re) in the first inversion will sound like ti-re-sol in the context of a key. this approach will transfer to playing and hearing real music better, but i highly doubt that figuring out inversions based on the individual intervals within a chord will, especially if its based on the bottom note.

a more important related skill is to be able to identify and sing the root of the chord, even if it's not the bottom voice.

i got to level 60 and disabled the game, because it just became an utterly boring routine of remembering really odd inversions, completely out of context, and without properly going back to simpler inversions, that were presented in the first 20 levels.
Hi everyone! Been in recovery mode since April 25th when I had a total knee replacement surgery. Still hobbling around but I thought I would do a workout since I can't sleep.
Mark Alley
May 05
Knee surgery sounds like a huge thing to go through, I hope you're doing well. Nice to have you back!
Terri Winters
May 05
Hope you're up and about and that the PT is going well. Keep moving - we missed you!
igor dinotte
May 05
Have a great recovery, Colin! My aunt went through the same process, and all her knee problems were gone. I'm sending prayers for your fast recovery!