Adam Deering
May 17, 11:21 in ToneGym Cafe
For anyone having problems with Solfègiator...
It's not you, the game is broken! (see below).

I contacted TG support because I was having with note recognition problems when using Safari. They said I should use Chrome, but the problems were just as bad. I contacted them again and received this reply:

We have looked into this subject and have come across some technical restrictions that prevent us from solving this completely.

We are doing our best to develop and improve ToneGym, but since we have limited R&D resources, we have to prioritize other topics over this one.

I'm beginning to wonder what other games aren't working properly? Surely we should receive a discount on our subscriptions until this is resolved?

Let me know what you think.
Adam Deering
May 17, 11:45
@Question Man Trains Ears - I've been stuck on level 22 forever. Now we know why!
Question Man Trains Ears
May 17, 12:09
See, I make slow progress, I had been losing due to my inconstant pitch, I can recognize pitches, but not to audiate them and sing precisely
Adam Deering
May 17, 12:12
@Question Man Trains Ears - you might not be as bad as you think if the game is broken.
Great to see the consistent work everyone is putting in. Almost everyday someone is getting the Silver or Golden ears award
May 17, 05:04 in Basic Music Theory
Congrats @Elisa Meadows for completing the 'Music Theory Basics' program!
May 16, 21:22 in ToneGym Official
Congrats @Klaus Meyer for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Kathy Anderson
May 17, 00:10
Ken Wilkens
May 17, 01:34
Congrats @Maracine Bogdan for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Terri Winters
May 15
Major milestone achieved! Congratulations!
Kathy Anderson
May 17, 00:12
Ken Wilkens
May 17, 01:34
Huge! Congrats!
Congrats @Lucas Drumond for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Terri Winters
May 15
That's a great achievement - takes hard work & persistence. Go get the gold now!
Kathy Anderson
May 17, 00:12
Nice job! '
Ken Wilkens
May 17, 01:34
Congratulations! Go get that Gold!
Congrats @J D Díaz for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Terri Winters
May 15
Congratulations! Takes determination to get his far. On to gold!
Kathy Anderson
May 17, 00:13
Nice job!
Ken Wilkens
May 17, 01:33
Congrats @Juan Pazmiño Heredia for completing the 'Music Theory Basics' program!
Kathy Anderson
May 17, 00:11
Good for you!
May 16, 17:23 in ToneGym Official
Congrats @Leandro Di Rosa for winning the Silver Ears Award!
Kathy Anderson
May 17, 00:10
Good for you!
gabriel beckett
May 16, 18:05 in ToneGym Cafe
Im finally reaching the end of my junior year of high school finals start tomorrow Monday and Tuesday wish me luck

igor dinotte
May 16, 21:00
I used to study only for the final exams... Months of laziness, video games, and two weeks of chaos and despair 😅 It always worked, though! You will be fine!
Benjamin Jack
May 16, 21:43
The chaos and dispair disappears if you study a bit at a time. @igor dinotte 😉
igor dinotte
May 16, 23:43
Oh, that was a long time ago @Benjamin Jack ! After that, I've already graduated and postgraduated.

Most of my school years were useless since I can't remember anymore how to solve a quadratic equation, the structures of a cell, the thermodynamics laws, or the layers of the internal structure of Earth 😅

One of the most important things I learned from school and college is that discipline comes naturally with interest and/or a purpose. I had to take Ritalin to be able to study at a sufficient level. That's gone for me now.

To study music, on the other hand, I'm a total nerd. There is the will and there is the way.
Jay Mauch
May 16, 15:29 in ToneGym Cafe
Guitar Gym won't let me sign up with my email i use on tone gym. says my email is already in use. try signing in with my tone gym password and it still won't let me in. also won't send me an email to recover my password.
Bug or feature in guitar gym?
Jay Mauch
May 16, 15:43
disregard. Got it worked out
Dive Into the World of GuitarGym - Public Alpha Now Live 🎸🎮
We’re super excited to announce that GuitarGym has officially launched its Public Alpha! 🚀

Whether you're picking up a guitar for the first time or you’re looking to sharpen your skills, GuitarGym offers a unique, gamified approach to learning guitar that makes practice not just rewarding but seriously fun!

Join here:
will ward
May 16
nah GuitarGym is the only instrument specific one, but tbf tonegym is basically piano gym with how terrible every other instrument sample is
will ward
May 16
used to have full access now i gotta pay :( i say we bring back beta
Lavelle Romain
May 16, 12:35
I mean there’s a few games that can utilize the piano. Like maybe different technique games, finger and eye coordination while reading music, probably a lot more. The games on tone gym are ment to be away from an instrument but games specifically while using the piano would be nice .