Someone had posted previously how to freeze the screen so one could see what the answer was. I can't recall the key combination. Anyone help me with that?
Antonio Maréco
Apr 15, 21:14
It's C
will ward
Apr 15, 22:29
You can also click the scale icon in the bottom right corner of the game window
Terri Winters
Apr 16, 11:58
Thank you!!
Tonegym Chrome App?
Hi everyone. I don't normally use Chrome, but I did today and it asked me if I wanted to install the Tonegym app.

Just wondering what it is exactly and if it's worth installing? Does it offer some extra benefits over using TG in the browser?
With pleasure! This is normal, as Apple prefers to promote applications that go through the apple store to benefit from a percentage of sales. They don't get this benefit from web apps. That's why they hide the feature a bit, I think. However, it is also possible to add the app from Safari (like this).
Adam Deering
Apr 11
@Jeremy Gillard - that sounds like apple alright. Nice tip, thank you!
Adam Deering
Apr 16, 08:32
@Jeremy Gillard - I noticed that in Chrome, I can use my MIDI keyboard to enter notes in games like Melody Hunter. Do you know if the same feature can be enabled in Safari?
Congrats @Nicolas Bigler for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Nice work!
Colin Aiken
Apr 16, 06:19
Does anyone else have approximately 1 to 2 ratio from calibrator to deperaturer/ lander? Kinda feel like I should slow down on calibrator considering I can't actually identify all the intervals but I can tell which is the largest thoughts?
Dima G
Apr 15
definitely disable it for now. i only enabled Calibrator when i was over 150 levels in other interval exercises.
Joe Maissel
Apr 15
Judging relative distance is a great skill. If you can clear rounds of Calibrator even without knowing the exact interval, I'd say carry on. As you know, you're covering specific interval recognition in other games. These skill sets will complement each other over time and eventually merge.

Though for the record, I did what Dima G suggests and disabled Calibrator. But that's because I was failing and not learning. If you are able to judge distances well, you may still benefit from playing.
Terri Winters
Apr 15, 20:10
One thing about Callibrator for me (and I try getting the intervals correct, too). It takes more time than the other exercises. This helps build a little discipline for me to focus for the whole game. But good on you that you can tell which is largest without knowing the particular interval -- good ear!
Congrats @Nicolae Orengo for winning the Golden Ears Award!
Terri Winters
Apr 14
I'm after golden, but it's a long way off. Thanks for the inspiration and congratulations on your accomplishment!
Colin Aiken
Apr 15
Thanks folks! :D
@81100118 SB won the Championship. Congrats for winning!
Colin Aiken
Apr 15
Finally, Congratulations!
Thomas F
Apr 15
81100118 SB
Apr 15
@Terri Winters It's March championship haha
Congrats @Astrid Westerlund for completing the 'Music Theory Basics' program!
Colin Aiken
Apr 15
Well done!