Everything music & ear training related


Kurt Robinson
May 27, 2022
After weeks I finally got past stage 1 of inversionist 😄
It was hard and I had to plonk out every note on the keyboard, but it seems I can hear the notes of the chord a lot clearer than a month ago
Nothing can stop me now!
Hugo Paris
May 28, 2022
Great job! It took me a minute at first too. It gets better, especially as skills grow via the other games
Cuantas Vacas
May 28, 2022
Good job!

Another thing that works for me along using my keyboard is to spend some time writing down every chord type (M,m,dim.,sus...) with its inversions. This visual info complements the sound of each chord, making it easier to identify the inner intervals on each inversion.
Kurt Robinson
May 28, 2022
Thanks for the encouragement and the good ideas
Zachary Laster
May 28, 2022
I'm really struggling with this one, too. My past musical training didn't cover inversions, so while everything else has been pretty intuitive, this feels like trying to identify a kind of rock from the sound it makes when it hits pavement.
Only 7 days in, though, so maybe it'll click soon. 😅
joe geraci
May 29, 2022
Wait till you get to diminished chords, thats where I'm stuck. But yeah inversions is the hardest.
Miles Walker
Jun 23, 2022
I got a bit stuck too - then realised a lot of the early levels at least are close voicings. My success rate went up when I started taking more time and trying to reproduce what I was hearing on the guitar first, maybe that's cheating...
Ali J
Jun 23, 2022
Congrats :)
Francisco Albisua
Jun 24, 2022
Yeah when you get to diminished and way beyond it gets more mystic/esoteric. It's almost about intuition and your brain getting to know (by brute force) what each inversion sounds like. I don't ever use an instrument to figure them out. I just let constant repetition train my brain what each one sounds like.
Rachel Kingwell
Jun 24, 2022
Well done - it can be very frustrating! I've found your method is what helped me a lot too. Don't give up!!!!!!