Everything music & ear training related


Paul Cox
Jul 02, 2022
I was breezing through the early levels of most games until I hit inversionist — literally couldn’t pass the inversionist level 1 while I was at level 10 of other games. It amazed me that I had never developed an ear for inversions!

It forced me to sit at the piano, play the notes, and think about how the different inversions make me feel. What a cool exercise.
Paul Cox
Jul 04, 2022
Latest mnemonic device for major triads: Can I raise the highest note by a semitone and hear Free Fallin' by Tom Petty? If so, it's 2nd inversion.
Cuantas Vacas
Jul 04, 2022
Bravo! You seem to be serious about conquering inversions, don't you? As someone whose beginnings on ToneGym were exactly the way you describe, I can tell you that using every helping trick, instrument, object, magic, etc. available is the only way to learn those sounds effectively. At least it is for me! Good luck!
Keith DuBose
Jul 04, 2022
Yes...this. @Paul Cox I feel the same way. I've played inversions all my life playing guitar, but to actually get tested on them to hear them correctly I bombed lol. That is one I'm really trying to focus on because I realize I'm weak at hearing them. Another reason this site is great!

Keep on truckin' man (~):)
Hugo Paris
Jul 06, 2022
@Paul Cox really liking song references for this. I did not have this one yet, thank you!