Everything music & ear training related


Paul Cusick
Nov 10, 2021
😳Just wondering how long it will take before I start applying anything learned here to my own song writing.... How long was it for others? You can hear some of my music on my profile if you're interested....
Ryan Jay
Nov 12, 2021
Hard to say, subconsciously straight away. For me When improvising, the combination of learning intervals and cadences has really helped,
Shani Berger
Nov 12, 2021
Ear training is a long-term skill, both in terms of learning and applying it. You won't suddenly be able to understand everything that you hear, but over time you'll notice that it you find it easier to translate what you're hearing in your head to real life, or finding that chord from a song faster. It is THE most important skill a musician can have, and it takes a lot of small steps. Take it easy, and good luck
PLV Music (YT)
Nov 13, 2021
I think the best is to put in practice what you learn, just go ahead, start writing something. If you get stuck, find on the internet what blocks you etc... :)