Everything music & ear training related


Adrian Kolsters
Nov 19, 2021
I am finding it so hard to find the right training for the Chord Progression exercises, as well as the Intervalis. I have tried the Progression Generator but not sure how to train this. Also, when doing the actual daily test, the correct answer is so short on the screen that i have no time to study it, let alone learn something. I guess i basically don't know what i'm doing. All other daily tests are going pretty well.
yooval mann
Nov 19, 2021
Have you tried the 'Compare' button (scale icon) at the bottom-right corner of the game panel?
You can also activate this function with the 'C' key.
Adrian Kolsters
Nov 19, 2021
Alright.... that is indeed a big help! It is like a 'stop' button, right? I can also keep going back to the sound and look at the notes as long as i want. Thanks Yooval Mann!
Was that in the explanation?? I have the feeling there is so much unclear when starting these exercises, i keep on finding new buttons or tricks how to actually do it, or ask the question here...
That being said, i feel the chord progression recognition is above my level for now... i know a lot about it theoretically, and can play them per scale if taking my time, but just recognizing them by ear, out of all the possibilities.... and i guess I am at the lowest level so no way to make it even easier to start with... oups!
Joseph Baudet
Nov 19, 2021
Listening to the bass can help identify chord progression
Adrian Kolsters
Nov 20, 2021
Thx Joseph, it does indeed give me a handle to start with. Will keep practicing this on the piano as well.
Reggie Yang
Nov 20, 2021
Hi Adrian, one trick for me to identify chord progression is to listen carefully to the I and V chord. V chord sounds "unresolved" and feels "outside", while I chord sounds resolved and feels "home". If it's "I-V", you will feel it's unfinished, and want to add "I" chord to the end. Similarly, the way for me to identify whether it's "I-IV-V" or "IV-I-V" is to hum, adding the fourth "I" chord to the end. If the fourth "I" chord is the same as the first one then it's "I-IV-V"; if it's same as the second one then it's "IV-I-V". Hope it helps
Reggie Yang
Nov 20, 2021
For Intervalis, I would suggest you skip it for now, and spend more time on the Departurer and Lander. Once you got very familiar with these two, you will be better on the Intervalis
yooval mann
Nov 21, 2021
@Reggie Yang excellent advice
XIN ToneGym
Nov 21, 2021
Like @yooval mann mentioned, the 'Compare' button will probably help you in this case. Once activated, you can also click any of the game's answer option buttons to hear them, so you can actually compare the options and figure out your mistake.