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Ian Goldie
May 06, 2022
In chordelius I've been getting the option of choosing between a half dim 7 or a min7 b5 chord- wouldn't they sound exactly the same or am I missing something? I appreciate in a musical context they are technically different depending on application but seems a bit sneaky having to choose between them as both answers could be correct?
XIN ToneGym
May 08, 2022
At which level of the game are you getting this behavior?
Ian Goldie
May 08, 2022
Level 86, was on my last life on round 12 as well had a 50/50 choice and picked the wrong one 😅
David Robinson
May 08, 2022
Haha that's a pickle for sure!
XIN ToneGym
May 09, 2022
@Ian Goldie please check your message inbox.
Ian Goldie
May 09, 2022
It's possible I could have been confusing the 7b5 chord with the min7b5, which would have a maj3 instead of the min3 as the difference with the half dim7 😖😅
so this could explain the mix up and hopefully restore my sanity! Apologies if any confusion was caused !