Everything music & ear training related


Shannon Frick
Oct 24, 2021
I'm having a really hard time recognizing and decoding what mode a segment of music might be in. it seems that no matter what I do, I get it wrong. any help is appreciated.
yooval mann
Oct 25, 2021
Would you mind to share an example piece of music?
Shannon Frick
Oct 27, 2021
well there was a segment where it looked to be in minor as it didn't have any accidentals that would suggest a different mode, but it said that is was Dorian Mode, but it made no sense
yooval mann
Oct 27, 2021
There is a Dorian with just the white piano keys ... D Dorian, is that it?

It would be very important practise to develop an ear for the Tonic or where is the piece yearns to resolve to, without that Tonic we won't know one modus from another
yooval mann
Oct 27, 2021
Please share the actual piece so we can consider it together in more detail 🙏