Everything music & ear training related


Tom Belknap
Nov 09, 2021
Ok, another question for the advice folks out there (thank you!):

I'm currently stuck on Spy Scale specifically because for what feels like weeks, I've been stuck on differentiating between natural minor and dorian. Like: really stuck. Any advice other than "it gets a little major key"? Thanks!!
yooval mann
Nov 10, 2021
Try to pay attention specifically to that sixth degree which distinguishes between them, another idea play the given scale on an instrument and check that sixth degree
Anita Cairns
Nov 10, 2021
Yep, as Yooval suggested, just sit at eg. piano and play around listening to the natural vs b6. Just play in the top half of the scale and even sing along.
Another thing that's good to do is to use a different (cough) app that allows you to compare just those two for a series so you can practice that specifically.
Tom Belknap
Nov 10, 2021
Yeah, actually in the gym under exercises, it only allows me to pick a minimum of three scales to compare. I'm using it anyway because I'm working on distinguishing between natural minor, jazz minor and Dorian.
Tom Belknap
Nov 10, 2021
I'm finding that just paying attention to the interval between six and seven is the trick, for me.
Anita Cairns
Nov 13, 2021
I didn't realize that was an option! Good to know!
Jonathan Duffin
Nov 13, 2021
I'll echo Yooval here, count along with the scale tones, pay particular attention to the 6th tone, ask yourself: was it a half or whole step?