Everything music & ear training related


Martha Dahlen
Apr 23, 2022
What do the points mean? Where did the ones I have come from?
Cuantas Vacas
Apr 23, 2022
As far as I know, "points" are just each game's own internal measure of your performance everytime you play one of them. I think that whenever you raise your best score, the difference between the new value and the previous best score gets somehow translated into an increase of your TPI (ToneGym Performance Index, I believe), which reflect your overall ToneGym level.

You can probably find a more accurate explanation on Help Center...
Martha Dahlen
Apr 24, 2022
Thanks. Where is the Help Center? I can't find it anywhere here. Sorry to be so dumb, I appreciate your patience.
Cuantas Vacas
Apr 24, 2022
I think it is somewhere in the upper menu, don't remember where exactly. But I'm sure you'll be able to find it in no time!👍
Catherine McKay
Apr 24, 2022
It's under the icon at the top of the page that looks like a microphone (which makes no sense to me but there it is.)
Riv Kah
Apr 24, 2022
"Tonegym Performance Index", and here I was accepting the acronym and never questioning what it stood for... Now I wonder if you hit it right, or if it may be "total points in" hahaha
Hugo Paris
Apr 24, 2022
I think I might be able to help. Here's what I found trying to answer this question for myself a couple days ago. it was in the help section:

ToneGym Performance Index (TPI) is a ranking calculated from all your ear training game scores.

TPI helps you compare your strengths and weaknesses across games that challenge different listening skills.
Cuantas Vacas
Apr 25, 2022
Yep, that's exactly what I said. I love this place... "Tonal Pride Increase" might also work here, @Riv Kah 😂
Riv Kah
Apr 25, 2022
@Cuantas Vacas 😂😂😂