Everything music & ear training related


Bradley Crowley
Jul 06, 2022
This is a link to a podcast that I think is BRILLIANT and CRITICAL for all composers and arrangers to know, understand, and apply to all work they do. This is a scientific podcast about sound, and this particular episode is about how the human brain perceives sound. Spoiler alert.. We don't all perceive it the same way!! I'd like to suggest to the people of ToneGym/SoundGym to create a section in the Learning center about acoustics and sound psychology. (I don't use SoundGym yet, so I don't know if there is actually something like this there.) Although music psychology as a whole was in its infancy when I was a music student in University, I had to take a courses on both these topics, and I found them fascinating. Here is the link:


If you know of any other favorite podcasts that are 'near' or relates to these topics, please email the link to me. I love this stuff!

DISCLAIMER: I have NOTHING to do with the producers of this podcast or associated podcast. I have zero stake in any of their advertisers… a great big NOTHING, so I am pimping NO ONE! I am just a musician whose musician best friend sent this link and I wanted to pass along to all other aspiring musicians out there this fascinating information.
Ali J
Jul 06, 2022
Thanks for the link, I will listen to it or sure.
Cuantas Vacas
Jul 06, 2022
Cuantas Vacas
Jul 06, 2022
I have just listened to it and it's so elfin' interesting! As you say, all known details about human sensory perception are tools that can be really helpful for creators. I also believe this should be shared at SoundGym.
Hugo Paris
Jul 06, 2022
Excellent find. I have the following on my list, you might like some of them:

Song Exploder
Twenty Thousand Hertz (audio)
Hanging Out with Audiophiles (audio)
Artist Decoded (process)
Form the Head (process)

I agree with @Cuantas Vacas there is a definite overlap with Soundgym