Everything music & ear training related


Patrick Schorno
Oct 16, 2021
can there be a game where you guess what note it is? That would be helpful for me.
yooval mann
Oct 17, 2021
Can you please describe your idea in more detail? Do you mean a game for absolute pitch? At the moment there are two games I can think of which can easily be used for this kind of training
El Mati
Oct 17, 2021
Maybe a game like Notationist, but instead of reading, we have to listen to the note.
yooval mann
Oct 17, 2021
I'm not going to advocate utilizing the game Melodix as I think it needs to be revised from the bottom up, in fact I don't think it should have been out of beta,
but it did come out (escape?) I think it has what you are looking for, you hear a melody or a group of notes and you have to determine which pitches you have just heard