Everything music & ear training related


Teresa Brito
Oct 05, 2021
Finally got through level 1 on all 3 of my games, I'm somehow better with intervals than chords... Maybe I am tone deaf for real?
Asef Sadeghi Zade
Oct 05, 2021
Hi ,
I am a new member as well . Try using bass notes of chords for chord progression recognition . Playing your favorite songs or just simply the chords helped me as well . Hope this helps at least a little bit .
yooval mann
Oct 06, 2021
No Teresa nothing wrong with you, that's the natural progression, you are walking the right path, the interval games are where to start, and only much later the chord game which is advanced

ToneGym is missing a difficulty rating beside each game.
Teresa Brito
Oct 07, 2021
Well I have cleared the first level on all three, and I almost cleared level 2 on another just now... I just seem to have a bad ear for the C chord and lack of music theory knowledge
yooval mann
Oct 07, 2021
For music theory, there is plenty of information online,


The other - it takes time to develop these skills it's totally okay just give it the time and keep coming for your workouts
Tom Belknap
Oct 10, 2021
There's definitely no linear path to musical wisdom. That goes doubly for ear training! Just keep practicing, we'll all get where we want to!